Category Senior Care

Signs a Senior Needs Help at Home

Admitting the need for help and accepting assistance is not easy for anyone, particularly an aging adult. The responsibility often falls into the hands of family members to recognize the signs and seek out the appropriate support solutions to ensure their safety and wellbeing.

Signs of age-related issues can sneak up quickly, so it’s important to be aware of the small warning signs that something might be wrong. The issues may be minor to start, so an assisted living or nursing home wouldn’t be immediately necessary, but they may need extra help at home from a home care aide.

How do you know if it’s time for in-home care? Look for some of these red flags in your aging mom or dad.

Changes in physical abilities and mental status
Are they having difficulty with walking, balance or mobility?
Uncertainty and confusion with performing once-familiar tasks
Forgetfulness, including forgetting to take medicine
Do they have a poor diet and sudden weight loss?

Poor personal hygiene
Is there a noticeable decline in their grooming habits, such as strong body order, unkempt hair, lack of oral care, and wearing soiled or stained clothes?

Neglected household
Is the house noticeably dirty or clutter is piling up?
Little to no fresh food in the refrigerator
Late payment notices and calls from bill collectors
Utilities turned off due to missed payment

If you notice several of the red flags listed above in your family member, it might be time to consider daily in-home support. Contact the healthcare staffing services at Arcadia Homecare and Staffing to learn more about how our staff can assist your aging parent.

In-Home Care for Alzheimer’s Patients

When a loved one is diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease it can be a scary time for your family. The unknowns are frightening and the responsibility of caring for that person can weigh on you heavily. Determining what course of action is best for mom or dad in the days following the diagnosis is a difficult decision that must be made swiftly.

While some families might choose an assisted living facility when they are unable to provide the necessary care for their loved one, others opt to care for them at home.  This is a potentially overwhelming task. Each day brings new challenges as you cope with changing ability levels and new patterns of behavior. Simple tasks that were second nature, such as dressing, bathing and eating become increasingly difficult to manage.

Being a caregiver to someone with Alzheimer’s brings with it enormous stress and challenges. Having relief on a regular basis is important to a caregiver’s health and well-being.   Trained and qualified personal care or skilled professional care workers through home care staffing services can help plan, coordinate and evaluate dementia care as to allow your loved one to remain independent longer and provide you with greater peace of mind.

It is estimated that 5 million American’s currently live with some form of dementia including Alzheimer’s. The early symptoms of dementia often develop slowly and worsen over time. As the disease progresses, everyday tasks can become more difficult and care needs often increase.

It is understood that in-home care in a familiar environment is best for dementia and Alzheimer’s patients. Remaining in their own home is far less disorienting, offering them a sense of security and peace of mind.

Healthcare staffing services are the ideal starting point for families who aren’t yet ready to consider placement in a long-term care facility but need extra help with their loved one. Personal caregivers can assist in creating a regular daily routine that will help someone with dementia feel more secure and in control of their life. Because just as familiar surroundings are safe and soothing, the same can be said for daily routines. Maintaining a schedule similar to the one a senior followed pre-dementia can help reduce anxiety and confusion.

A person with Alzheimer’s disease might become agitated when once-simple tasks become difficult. To limit challenges and ease frustration these tips can be helpful.

Schedule: Establish a routine to make each day less agitating and confusing. People with Alzheimer’s disease can still learn and follow routines.

Patience: Expect things to take longer than they used to. Allow the person with Alzheimer’s disease to have frequent breaks.

Freedom: Allow your loved one to do as much as possible with the least amount of assistance, including dressing themselves or helping to prepare a meal.

Choice: Fewer options are better but give the person with Alzheimer’s disease choices every day.

The disease stage and your loved one’s specific care needs will determine what type of Alzheimer’s care you choose. Professional caregivers who have extensive experience caring for seniors with Alzheimer’s disease can be a valuable addition to your loved one’s care team. Contact Arcadia Home Care & Staffing today to learn more about our senior elder care options.

Home Modifications for the Elderly

Allowing your elderly family member to age in place requires modifications to their home. Hidden hazards in the home, that are often overlooked when eyesight is better and getting around isn’t as difficult, can put seniors at greater risk of injury. However, a few inexpensive, do-it-yourself home modifications can make a huge difference and make getting around a lot less challenging.

Comfort and safety are of the utmost importance for seniors planning to age at home. Whether they are receiving geriatric care or are still comfortable being on their own without assistance, simple changes around the house will result in a senior who is better equipped to age in place.

Home Modification Checklist

Main Living Spaces

  • Rearrange furniture to create clear pathways without clutter
  • Add more lamps behind and around furniture
  • Replace curtains with blinds to let in natural light


  • Move regularly used items to easy-to-reach spaces
  • Use a table for prep space instead of standing by tall countertops
  • Add lighting wherever possible


  • Install grab bars in and around the shower and toilet
  • Place non-slip pads on tub floors and surfaces that often get wet
  • Lower water heater temperature to 120 degrees Fahrenheit


  • Place additional, easy-to-use lights on each side of the bed
  • Install a bed rail for support getting into and out of bed

Ask questions and pay attention to what your aging loved one mentions as concerns. Watch carefully as they move about the house and take note of what causes them to hesitate or requires extra effort. Use this list, as well as what you see firsthand, as your guide for home modification requirements.

Fall Risks for Seniors

Did you know that falls are the leading cause of both fatal and non-fatal injuries for people over the age of 65? As many as one in three older Americans falls every year. Falls can result in hip fractures, broken bones, and head injuries. And even falls without a major injury can cause an older adult to become fearful or depressed, making it difficult for them to stay active.

The fear of falling becomes more common as people age, even among those who haven’t fallen. It may lead older people to avoid activities such as walking, shopping, or taking part in social activities.

Many things can cause a fall. Diminished eyesight, hearing loss, and reflexes not being as sharp as they once were are all factors. Diabetes, heart disease, or problems with thyroid, nerves, feet, or blood vessels can affect balance. Some medicines can cause a person to feel dizzy or sleepy, making them more likely to fall. Other causes include safety hazards in the home.

Elderly home care services recognize several personal risk factors for falling, including muscle weakness, problems with balance and gait.

The dangers of falls for seniors are numerous. To avoid falls and broke bones the elderly should: stay physically active, have their eyes and hearing tested regularly, be aware of the side effects of medication, get enough sleep, stand slowly, and use a cane or another assistive device to feel steady when walking.

For older people, a broken bone can be the start of more serious problems, such as a trip to the hospital, injury, or even disability. If you have an aging parent or grandparent in your life, helping them reduce their risk of falling is a great way to help them stay healthy and independent as long as possible.

Lessening the Impact of Cold Weather on the Elderly

Being exposed to extremely cold temperatures can be dangerous at any age. But for older adults the risk of hypothermia is more serious. As seniors age their risk for health problems and injuries in general grows. It’s a fact, however, that heart attacks and high blood pressure are more common in cold weather. Decreased balance, less of an ability to judge temperatures, and impaired eyesight or hearing all factor into the special risks of cold weather to the elderly. In addition, many senior citizens don’t stay hydrated enough and in the winter they are more quickly prone to dehydration. As cold weather approaches and the temperature drops, many seniors can’t produce enough energy to keep their bodies warm enough. If you notice a family member or loved one shivering, looking especially pale, or breathing heavily, be sure she or he is not nearing a state of hypothermia. Also, it’s important that an older adult with circulatory problems or heart disease not be exposed to frostbite, which can result in a loss of limbs.

The staff at Arcadia Home Care suggests some ways to protect the elderly person in your life. Some of the most effective ways for a senior to stay well during winter include:
  • Mild Daily Exercise.
  • Indoor Swimming.
  • Intake of Extra Vitamin D
  • Wearing a Face Mask
  • Getting a Flu Shot
  • Getting a Pneumonia Shot
  • Stay Indoors
  • Wear Layers
  • Stay Dry

Trust the experienced, compassionate, and knowledgeable geriatric care providers from our agency when you need a caregiver. Visit for more information on all of our services.

The Benefits of Aging in Place

It’s a fact that the majority of older adults do not want to leave their homes. “Aging in Place” is becoming more common than ever before. Unless there is a medical reason, the best option for an elderly person is often the chance to stay at home for as long as he or she wants. Being in a familiar environment plays a large role in contentment. You may find that the family member in your life wants to hang on to the feeling of independence for as long as possible. He or she likes the idea of eating when they want and making other small decisions that add up to a lot in the long run. It is also easier to stay in touch with friends, neighbors, church groups—which allows them to keep certain routines they might not otherwise be able to.

When you choose elderly home care services from Arcadia Home Care, your loved one can have the care help he or she desires. Arcadia offers all of the following from which to choose for in-home assistance:
  • Help with bathing, dressing, and feeding.
  • Assistance with light exercising.
  • Transportation to medical appointments and shopping.
  • Care with toileting and incontinence.
  • Housekeeping, including laundry.
  • Assisting with self-administered medication
  • Correspondence and making phone calls.
  • Companionship.

Visit to find out about all the services provided. Request a free in-home consultation for more information.

Add Safety Features for Seniors at Home

It’s a fact of life that as we age we experience the world a little differently. People over 65 are often dealing with health issues such as arthritis, heart disease, cancer, and respiratory illnesses. These conditions result in reduced eyesight, poorer balance, less flexibility, and weakened muscles. Others may be suffering from osteoporosis or diabetes. No matter how routine the activity or how familiar the surroundings, at some point all senior citizens are at risk for accidents as a result of these changes in their bodies.

According to Consumer Affairs 80% of falls in the home are in the bathroom. These accidents most often occur at the following times:
  • Climbing into or out of a tub or shower.
  • Sitting down or standing up from the toilet.
  • Using shower chairs that are not slip resistant.
  • Grasping counters or towel bars for balance.
  • Slippery floors.

Arcadia has been providing elderly home care services for over 40 years. We know from experience how essential safety features are for seniors. We recommend adding the following safety features to a bathroom used by an elderly person:

  • Bath Chairs
  • No-Slip Mats
  • Built-In Safety Bars
  • Anti-Scald Faucets

From medication safety to properly equipping a bathroom, we recommend you shore up the ways you protect the well-being of your family member or friend.